the drive took about 8 hours- but we had no stress and everything went easy- the intersate nr.10 is nice to drive - u set the cruise control on 70mph and just drive.....
-today we had the most beatiful and warm day (?) about 73° - we had our ICEcream at - but before we went to the original one of the forts of the famous san- antonio -el paso route
-our next stop was but claudia was not much intersted in so we went over right to -but it was only bout so we decided to drive even more south to BIG BEND-
we phoned at a gas station and reserved a room at the chisos mining comp. motel- were we arive at bout 7.30 and after dining at the funny and i am sitting here right 22.20- so we are tired and have to go to sleep now - because tomorrow BIG BEND is waiting - and this will take the whole day..............
good night amigos
Hallo ihr Lieben! War heute nachmittag zur "Inspektion" bei Euch, soweit alles in Ordnung! Lassen uns überraschen wie es Sonntag aussehen wird, für die nächsten 3 Tage wird empfohlen das eigene Fahrzeug nur bei Dringlichkeit zu benützen, es starke Schneefälle und Verwehungen vorausgesagt sind! Bitte nicht vergessen "Tag, Uhrzeit, Abflughafen (Flugnummer) bekannt zu geben! Bringt auch einen Sack voll Wärme mit! LGaus dem winterlichen Wien MuV!